
When did we get so adult-like

There are days when I just sit around the house and think "wow, this my house." And for some reason it truly amazes me. I feel like the years between high school and now flew by so quickly. But then again it did, I can barely remember being a freshman at Murray, it seems like a lifetime ago. Since then, too, so much has changed. So much has especially changed this past year.

My three best friends in the entire world (Kate, Terra & Amy) are all engaged and getting married between June & October of this year. Severl of my high school friends have gotten or are also getting married. Tom and I bought a condo. Some of my college friends have or going to have kids, too. Everyone is getting older and moving on so quickly!!

I'm not sure I'm ready for all this to happen at the same time. It's a lot to handle. I'm so happy for everyone, as everyone seems so happy with their lives (and I am too). It's just so much change in such a short span of time!

Just this morning I was sitting on the CTA and there were two little boys behind me. They were so absolutely amazed with the big buildings. And I just thought to myself, what would it be like to always see things through the eyes of child. But can any of us even remember being younger than high school any more? Maybe those with kids can remember more because they're around that innosense every day, but not me. I'm so amazed and baffled by it all at once.

This post is sort of random, but things keep changing and it just catches me by surprise all the time!

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