
I've been MIA, I know...

Ok, So I've been really bad at updating this blog, probably because of the condo blog (which is just the most interesting thing in my life right now i guess). I've mainly just been working and reading and hanging out with Tom lately.

I've also been completely hooked on the show Project Runway and it's down to the final 4 designers... If anyone else watches it, i'm really rooting for Michael! He got screwed when Jeffrey won the jetsetter challenge and then Uli got screwed when Jeffrey won the Couture challenge too... I hate that guy. Ugh.

Anyway, Tom and I went with Laura & Eddy to see Little Miss Sunshine last weekend which was FANTASTIC. I highly recommend it. It's the movie with Steve Carell, Greg Kinnear and Toni Collette, where the little girl is going to be in the beauty pageant and it basically is about their crazy road trip to get her there.

And of course I've read a couple more books since the last post. :)

Good Grief by Lolly Winston. I picked this up because I had read a review somewhere and it sounded light and funny. It's about a very young widow who lost her husband of only a few years to cancer. The story is just about how she handles the grief. She goes from being a complete wreck and wearing her robe and bunny slippers to work to eventually moving out of Arizona to Washington to live with a friend. She then of course encounters some crazy characters along the way.
I loved this book because I honestly laughed out loud, but at the same time I still felt a strong compassion for Sophie. Each chapter is titled by her emotional stage (suppose to be along the lines of the actual stages of grief, but these are personalized based on her behavior) Denial, Oreos, Anger, Depression, Escrow, Ashes, Lust, Bargaining, Waitressing, Mentoring, Dating, Baking, Acceptance, Goodwill, and Thanksgiving.

From there I went back to old faithful, Jodi Picoult and Mercy. Of course this book was going to have a more serious topic, but I'm just now realizing that both books had to do with widows and cancer. Mercy takes place in a small new england town that is mainly of Scottish decent (so there are several Scottish stories/flashbacks throughout).
Cameron, the police chief, is thrown when a cousin he barely knows drives into town to admit to the murder of his wife. Turns out he killed her because she had asked him too as she was suffering from cancer and she knew her days were numbered.
It's a pretty intense book, but like most Picoult novels there are some great side stories (which were my favorite in this book particularly.) The main theme is What would you do for someone you love? Would you lie? Would you leave? Would you kill?
Like every Picoult novel I've read before, this one is extremely recommended! :) http://www.jodipicoult.com/mercy.html

Next I'm reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards, who is actually a professor at the University of Kentucky. This is one of those books that I'd seen at Border's forever, but finally picked up and was convinced to buy when on the back there was a good review by Jodi Picoult :)

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